郭文贵的军师余建明被起底:香港金融专业人士,曾是重庆政协委员|财新 & 星岛


  • 56岁的余建明(William)因11项刑事指控以及另外一项妨碍司法的指控而被美国司法部通缉。
  • 他以前是一名投资银行家,有一个重要的客户是郭文贵。
  • 他曾参与过多次IPO,是中国多个省份的顾问,并在香港多个机构担任过高管。
  • 他于2015年3月离开银行业,成为郭文贵旗下一系列公司的董事和CEO。
  • 他与郭文贵的年龄相仿。
  • 根据香港证券及期货事务监察委员会的资料,他于2005年至2015年3月31日在麦格理银行工作,担任大中华区主席兼首席执行官。
  • 有人看到他参加了郭文贵在北京的一处房产的聚会,还看到他和一群外国人在一起。
  • 他目前正在逃亡中。
  • 据描述,他有一张圆脸,戴着眼镜,身高中等。
  • ACA资本集团有限公司于2015年在香港注册,余建明是其唯一的股东和董事,余嘉颖和Louisa Choi是董事。
  • 该公司仍在香港注册,包括一名自然人董事Gentjana Hysi,以及一名在英属维尔京群岛注册的公司董事Celestial Tide Limited。
  • 2019年,余建明签署了一份文件,任命陈巧玲为董事,取代卡琳-迈斯特雷罗。
  • 根据该公司2017年的网站,ACA资本集团的资金来自中东和东亚的投资者,投资重点是上市证券、私募股权投资和房地产项目。
  • 公司的注册地址也从招商银行大厦49层变为华辰国际大厦1605。
  • 郭文贵从2013年开始布局海外,利用马建的支持和托尼-布莱尔的介绍,以 "特殊身份 "获得阿布扎比一些高层的信任,投资中国金融资产。
  • 2014年6、7月间,时任麦格理投资银行大中华区主席的余建明对时任海通证券董事长的王开国说,要引进 “中东石油基金”。
  • 后来,ACA资本集团成为 "ACA基金 "系列中的一家公司。
  • 文章继续讨论了郭文贵和余建明的刑事指控,其中包括各种欺诈、证券欺诈、银行欺诈和洗钱。在2018年至2023年3月期间,他们被指控密谋诈骗数千名受害者,涉及金额超过10亿美元。
  • 郭文贵和余建明进行诈骗活动的主要平台是GTV传媒集团、喜马拉雅农场联盟、G|CLUBS,以及涉及加密货币的喜马拉雅交易所。余建明是喜马拉雅交易所的创始人,是中国和英国的双重国籍,主要居住在英国。
  • 2022年9月20日和21日,美国当局向国内几家银行发出司法令,要求扣押以喜马拉雅交易所和其他相关实体名义持有的银行账户中约3.35亿美元的利润,这些账户与郭文贵和余建明有关。
  • 在第一次司法授权扣押喜马拉雅交易所相关资金的大约两天后,余建明联系了一个掌握喜马拉雅交易所银行账户的美国银行管理层。
  • 余建明和该交易所的一位高级管理人员试图将钱电汇给一位不知名的 “贵宾”,以便将HDO(喜马拉雅元,一种稳定币)兑换成美元。
  • 余建明透露,这位贵宾就是他本人,并试图将4600万HDO兑换成4600万美元,并强调需要在 “今天完成转账,否则毫无意义”。
  • 2022年10月和2023年3月,从与郭文贵和余建明有关的实体中扣押了更多资金。
  • 美国当局共扣押了超过6.34亿美元的欺诈所得,其中2.78亿美元来自拥有以喜马拉雅交易所名义开设的银行账户的实体。
  • 2021年9月,余建明在伦敦成立了 “香港人协会”,通过BNO护照和建立社区关系来帮助香港人在英国定居。
  • 喜马拉雅金融网站在余建明的个人简历中刻意省略了他担任 "阿中基金 "旗下一系列公司的董事和执行总裁的经历。
  • 根据美国司法文件,郭文贵和余建明共被指控12项罪名,最高刑期为5-20年不等。


  • 郭文贵在美国被捕,他的 "军师 "余建明也因 "潜逃 "而被追捕。
  • 美国检察官和美国证券交易委员会指控郭文贵和余建明,称许多欺诈行为是由郭文贵在后台策划的,余建明是前台。
  • 2013年,郭文贵利用他与当时的国家安全部副部长马建的关系,通过当时的联合国中东特使和英国前首相布莱尔的推荐,从阿布扎比王室获得30亿美元,以建立 “阿中基金”。
  • 马建于2015年因腐败被捕,导致郭某逃往海外,但 "阿中基金 "仍在运作。
  • 56岁的余建明是郭文贵信任的商人,被披露为 "阿拉伯-中国 "集团的公众形象,是美林证券大中华区的前主席。
  • 余建明还活跃在香港的亲建制组织中,并参与了数十家公司的IPO,是两届重庆市政协委员和几个省的 “顾问”。
  • 在郭文贵被中国公开追捕后,余建明一直保持低调。
  • 在 "反引渡 "骚乱和香港国家安全法通过后,余建明移民到英国,成立了 “香港人协会”,目的是帮助香港新移民。
  • 然而,由于他过去的 "左派 "身份,英国的许多 "黄袜子 "指责俞敏洪企图 "渗透 "和 “分裂”,并敦促 "黄袜子 "与他划清界限。


  • 56-year-old William Je (William) is wanted by the US Justice Department for 11 counts of criminal charges, as well as an additional charge of obstruction of justice.
  • He formerly worked as an investment banker and had a significant client in Guo Wengui.
  • He has been involved in multiple IPOs, was a consultant for several Chinese provinces, and had executive roles in various organizations in Hong Kong.
  • He left the banking industry in March 2015 to become the director and CEO of a series of companies owned by Guo Wengui.
  • He had a similar age to Guo Wengui.
  • According to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, he worked at Macquarie Bank from 2005 to March 31, 2015 as the chairman and CEO of Greater China.
  • He was seen attending a gathering at a property owned by Guo Wengui in Beijing, and was also seen with a group of foreigners.
  • He is currently on the run.
  • He is described as having a round face, wearing glasses, and of average height.
  • ACA Capital Group Limited was registered in Hong Kong in 2015 with Yu Jianming as its sole shareholder and director, as well as Yu Ka Wing and Louisa Choi as directors.
  • The company is still registered in Hong Kong and includes a natural person director, Gentjana Hysi, and a corporate director, Celestial Tide Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands.
  • In 2019, Yu Jianming signed a document appointing Chen Qiaoling as director, replacing Karin Maistrello.
  • According to the company’s website in 2017, ACA Capital Group’s funds came from investors in the Middle East and East Asia, with investments focusing on listed securities, private equity investments and real estate projects.
  • The registered address of the company has changed from the China Merchants Bank Tower 49th floor to the Huachen International Tower 1605.
  • Guo Wengui began to layout overseas in 2013, using Ma Jian’s support and Tony Blair’s introduction to gain the trust of some high-level Abu Dhabi with the “special identity” and to invest in Chinese financial assets.
  • During June and July 2014, Yu Jianming, then chairman of the Greater China region of Macquarie Investment Bank, told Wang Kaiguo, then chairman of Haitong Securities, that he would introduce “Middle East oil funds”.
  • ACA Capital Group became one of the companies in the “ACA Fund” series later.
  • The article discusses the criminal charges of Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming, which include various frauds, securities frauds, bank frauds, and money laundering. During the period of 2018 to March 2023, they are accused of conspiring to defraud thousands of victims, involving an amount of over $1 billion.
  • The main platforms used by Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming to carry out their fraud activities are GTV Media Group, Himalaya Farm Alliance, G|CLUBS, and The Himalaya Exchange, which involves cryptocurrency. Yu Jianming is the founder of The Himalaya Exchange and is a dual citizen of China and the UK, mainly residing in the UK.
  • On September 20 and 21 of 2022, the US authorities issued judicial warrants to several domestic banks to seize the profits of about $335 million from the bank accounts held in the name of The Himalaya Exchange and other related entities, which are related to Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming.
  • On approximately two days after the first judicial authorization of the seizure of funds related to the Himalaya Exchange, Yu Jianming contacted a US bank management in possession of a Himalaya Exchange bank account.
  • Yu Jianming and a high-ranking executive from the exchange attempted to wire transfer money to an unnamed “VIP” to redeem HDO (Himalayan Dollar, a stablecoin) to US dollars.
  • Yu Jianming revealed that the VIP was himself and attempted to convert 46 million HDO to 46 million US dollars and emphasized that the transfer needed to be done “today or it was pointless”.
  • In October 2022 and March 2023, additional funds were seized from entities associated with Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming.
  • US authorities seized a total of over 634 million US dollars in fraudulent proceeds, with 278 million US dollars coming from entities in possession of bank accounts in the name of the Himalaya Exchange.
  • In September 2021, Yu Jianming founded the “Hong Kong People’s Association” in London to assist Hong Kongers in settling in the UK through BNO passports and establishing community relationships.
  • The Himalayan Financial website deliberately omitted Yu Jianming’s experience as a director and executive president of a series of companies under the “Azhong Fund” from his personal resume.
  • According to US judicial documents, Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming are charged with a total of 12 counts, with a maximum sentence of imprisonment ranging from 5-20 years.


  • Guo Wengui was arrested in the US, and his “mentor” Yu Jianming was also sought after for being “on the run”.
  • The US prosecutors and SEC accused Guo Wengui and Yu Jianming, alleging that many of the frauds were orchestrated by Guo in the background and Yu as the front man.
  • In 2013, Guo leveraged his relationship with the then-undefeated National Security Deputy Minister Ma Jian to obtain $3 billion from the Abu Dhabi Royal Family through the recommendation of the then-UN Middle East Special Envoy and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to establish the “Arab-China Fund”.
  • Ma Jian was arrested for corruption in 2015, causing Guo to flee overseas, but the “Arab-China Fund” still operated.
  • 56-year-old Yu Jianming, a businessman trusted by Guo, was revealed to be the public face of the “Arab-China” group and was a former chairman of Merrill Lynch Greater China.
  • Yu was also active in Hong Kong’s pro-establishment organisations, and had participated in IPOs for dozens of companies and was a two-term Chongqing Political Consultative Committee member and “adviser” of several provinces.
  • After Guo was publicly sought after by China, Yu Jianming kept a low profile.
  • After the “anti-extradition” riots and the passing of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Yu immigrated to the UK and established the “Hong Kong People Association” with the purpose of helping new Hong Kong immigrants.
  • However, due to his past “leftist” identity, many “yellow socks” in the UK accused Yu of attempting to “infiltrate” and “divide”, and urged “yellow socks” to draw a line with him.