
  • 日本京瓷公司负责人表示,美国旨在限制中国获得先进技术的出口管制正在严重影响中国作为出口制造基地的生存能力。该公司目前正在国内大量投资于自己的生产设施,并在日本建造其近20年来的第一家工厂。

  • 10月,美国宣布实行出口管制,这将严重阻碍中国公司开发尖端技术的努力。上个月,日本和荷兰也与美国达成一致,限制向中国出口芯片制造工具,这对京瓷产生了影响,京瓷在芯片制造设备的陶瓷部件方面占据了全球70%的市场份额。

  • 京瓷的产品包括手机、打印机和太阳能电池板,美国的出口管制是该公司本月将其全年营业利润预期削减31%的部分原因。谷本说,现在芯片设备制造商被要求不要运送他们的非尖端工具,进一步阻碍了公司的订单。

  • 京瓷越来越发现自己陷入了世界上两个最大经济体之间的贸易争端。2019年,该公司将面向美国市场的复印机生产从中国迁往越南,并将面向美国的车载摄像头生产从中国转移到泰国。现在,如果不能获得受收紧法规影响的芯片技术,在中国生产硬件几乎是不可能的。

  • 京瓷已经转变方向,探索新的增长机会,花费625亿日元(4.64亿美元)在其位于日本南部鹿儿岛的工厂建造一个半导体封装设施。11月,该公司承诺在未来三年将资本支出增加近一倍,达到9000亿日元,以扩大智能手机和其他产品中使用的芯片相关元件和电容器的生产。该公司近20年来首次在国内建厂,将是位于长崎的一家电子元件厂,计划于2026年开始运营。

  • 投资者对京瓷更大胆的支出计划表示欢迎,但也呼吁该公司通过出售其在电信企业KDDI的15%股份来改善其公司治理和股权回报,该企业是由集团创始人稻盛和夫创办的。他于8月去世。

  • 京瓷的总裁谷本宣布了该公司收购电子元件的计划。

  • 谷本表示,该公司不会减持他们在KDDI的14亿日元股份,而是将其作为抵押品,借入5000亿日元。这样做是为了避免出售股权所带来的大量税收,同时还能获得股息。

  • 在回应股东们要求卸载京瓷表现不佳的业务时,谷本表示,该公司将专注于通过向企业而非消费者销售设备来创造利润。

  • 谷本为其通信业务的生存设定了在未来三年内实现两位数利润的目标。

  • US export controls aimed at limiting China’s access to advanced technology are having a severe impact on China’s viability as a manufacturing base for exports, according to the head of Japan’s Kyocera. The company is now investing heavily in its own production facilities at home and is constructing its first factory in Japan in nearly two decades.

  • In October, the US announced export controls that would severely hamper efforts by Chinese companies to develop cutting-edge technologies. Last month, Japan and the Netherlands also agreed with the US to restrict exports of chip manufacturing tools to China, affecting Kyocera, who holds a 70% global market share in ceramic components for chip manufacturing equipment.

  • Kyocera’s products include phones, printers and solar panels and US export controls are part of the reason the company cut its full-year operating profit forecast this month by 31%. Tanimoto said that chip equipment makers are now being asked not to ship their non-cutting-edge tools, further hampering the company’s orders.

  • Kyocera has increasingly found itself caught up in the trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies. In 2019, the company relocated the manufacturing of its copiers for the US market from China to Vietnam, and transferred the production of in-vehicle cameras for the US from China to Thailand. It would now be nearly impossible to produce hardware in China without access to the chips technology affected by the tightened regulations.

  • Kyocera has shifted gears to explore new growth opportunities, spending ¥62.5bn ($464mn) to build a facility for semiconductor packaging at its plant in Kagoshima in southern Japan. In November, it pledged to nearly double capital spending over the next three years to ¥900bn in order to expand production of chip-related components and capacitors used in smartphones and other products. Its first domestic plant built in nearly 20 years will be an electronics components factory in Nagasaki, planned to begin operations in 2026.

  • Investors have welcomed Kyocera’s bolder spending plans but have also called on the company to improve its corporate governance and return on equity by selling its 15 per cent stake in telecoms business KDDI, which was started by the group’s founder Kazuo Inamori. He died in August.

  • Kyocera’s president, Tanimoto, has announced the company’s plans for their acquisition of electronic components.

  • Tanimoto said the company would not reduce their ¥1.4tn stake in KDDI, instead using it as collateral to borrow ¥500bn. This would be done to avoid the significant taxes that would come with selling the stake, while still receiving dividends.

  • In response to shareholders calling for the offloading of Kyocera’s underperforming businesses, Tanimoto said the company would focus on generating profits through selling devices to businesses rather than consumers.

  • Tanimoto has set a goal to achieve double-digit profits in the next three years for the survival of their communications business.

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