
  • 美国众议员迈克尔-华尔兹呼吁五角大楼审查培养国家未来军事领导人的外资私立学校。

  • 华盛顿对可能的中国间谍活动和中国共产党(CCP)的警惕已经延伸到教育部门。

  • 人们担心的是,中共可能正在影响下一代美国人。

  • 提供联邦资助的军事训练的美国私立小学和中学都由中国公司拥有。

  • 华尔兹认为,国会应该 "认真审视 "是否有必要制定新的立法,限制来自有关国家的公司在美国收购私立学校。

  • 五角大楼正面临着审查外资私立学校的压力,以保护美国公民免受中共的潜在干扰。

  • 美国政府对中国共产党在美国教育领域的影响越来越关注。

  • 五角大楼被要求审查外资私立学校,以确保美国公民不受中共干预。

  • 国会正在考虑制定新的立法,限制来自有关国家的公司收购美国的私立学校。

  • 美国国会议员迈克尔-华尔兹向美国国防部长劳埃德-奥斯汀提出了与中国共产党(CCP)有联系的公司所拥有的有军事培训项目的私立学校问题。

  • 五角大楼目前正在调查这些由中国人拥有的提供军官培训的私立学校对国家安全构成的威胁程度。

  • 华尔兹向五角大楼提出的要求是,调查其所有私立学校的初级后备军官训练团(JROTC)课程,并确定这些学校是否由外国公司拥有。

  • JROTC计划的重点是陆军、海军和空军训练,包括领导力、公民教育、地理、全球意识和美国历史等课程。

  • 2000年,陆军参谋长告诉国会,毕业的JROTC学员中有30%至50%的人加入了美国军队。

  • 华尔兹在给奥斯汀的信中提到的一所学校拒绝了他的说法,即该学校是中共影响行动的一部分,“显然是错误的”。

  • 目前还不清楚美国有多少这样的私立学校。

  • 位于墨尔本的佛罗里达预备学院是由一家位于加州的投资公司Newopen USA所有,但其母公司Newopen集团的总部在中国重庆。

  • 美国代表迈克尔-华尔兹声称,纽本集团董事长周登光在2021年会见了中共赞助的中国企业家协会负责人,讨论 “国家战略发展布局和更大的资源合作”。

  • 佛罗里达州预备学院院长马歇尔-威尔曼否认该校的教育受到中共的影响。

  • 威尔曼没有谈到周登光和中共赞助的中国企业家协会负责人之间是否进行了会晤。

  • 威尔曼强调,该校的JROTC课程是由两名美国空军老兵负责的,“他们总共有超过46年为国家服务的经验”。

  • 华尔兹没有提供任何证据来支持他的说法。

  • 佛罗里达州预备学院由一家位于加州的投资公司Newopen USA拥有,该公司的母公司在中国重庆。

  • 美国代表迈克尔-华尔兹声称,纽本集团的董事长周登光在2021年会见了中共赞助的中国企业家协会的负责人。

  • 佛罗里达州预备学院院长马歇尔-威尔曼否认该校的教育受到中共的影响,并强调JROTC项目是由两名美国空军老兵负责的。

  • 自华尔兹的信公开以来,纽约军事学院的工作人员和学生一直面临着 “仇恨言论”–有可能将他们置于危险之中。

  • 该学院距离美国西点军校不到6英里。

  • 2015年,该学院被一个名为自然保护研究中心的中国人拥有的非营利组织买下。在学院的网站上,总部设在北京的方控股的创始人莫天全被列为学校的秘书和财务主管。

  • 美国国会议员迈克尔-华尔兹向五角大楼提出了关于提供联邦资助的军事训练的美国私立中小学由中国公司所有的问题。

  • 华尔兹要求五角大楼审查所有私立学校的初级后备军官训练团(JROTC)课程,并确定这些学校是否由外国公司拥有。其中一所学校,即佛罗里达预备学院,拒绝了华尔兹关于它是中共影响行动的一部分的说法。

  • 华尔兹还引用了纽约军事学院作为另一个例子,该学院位于西点军校附近,由一个中国人拥有的非营利集团拥有。该校没有开设军校课程,但华尔兹的办公室说,该校在2019年被停课前有一个军校课程。

  • 众多中国教授被指控从事间谍活动和隐瞒与中国的联系,有些案件被定罪,有些被美国法院驳回。

  • 国会共和党人对中国共产党通过在全美约500所学校的 "孔子课堂 "对中小学教育的影响提出了警告。

  • 众议员迈克-加拉格尔宣布成立众议院中国问题特别委员会,该委员会将对中共的 "恶性影响 "进行 “反击”,只要它影响到美国利益和国家安全。

  • 华尔兹赞成扩大美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的范围,以包括农田和私立学校等非技术问题。

  • 这些收购可能是中共在美国教育领域的一带一路基础设施和全球影响力倡议的一部分。

  • 中国共产党的影响力可能会导致对学校课程和活动的影响,可能会培养未来的军事领导人。

  • 因此,有必要加强美国外国投资委员会的范围,以确保美国利益和国家安全不受外国投资的威胁。

  • US Representative Michael Waltz has called for the Pentagon to review foreign-owned private schools which produce the country’s future military leaders.

  • Washington’s alarm over possible Chinese espionage and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has extended to the education sector.

  • The concern is that the CCP may be influencing the next generation of Americans.

  • Private US primary and secondary schools, which offer federal-funded military training, are owned by Chinese companies.

  • Waltz believes Congress should “take a hard look” at the need for new legislation to restrict companies from countries of concern from acquiring private schools in the US.

  • The Pentagon is under pressure to review foreign-owned private schools in order to protect US citizens from potential CCP interference.

  • The US government is increasingly concerned about the CCP’s influence in the US education sector.

  • The Pentagon is being called on to review foreign-owned private schools to ensure US citizens are not subject to CCP interference.

  • Congress is considering new legislation to restrict companies from countries of concern from acquiring private schools in the US.

  • US Congressman Michael Waltz raised the issue of private schools with military training programmes owned by companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin.

  • The Pentagon is now looking into the degree of national security threat posed by these Chinese-owned private schools providing military officers’ training.

  • Waltz’s request to the Pentagon was that it survey all its Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) programmes at private schools and determine whether those schools are owned by foreign companies.

  • JROTC programmes focus on Army, Navy and Air Force training and include coursework on leadership, civics, geography, global awareness and US history.

  • In 2000, the Army chief of staff told Congress that 30 to 50 per cent of graduating JROTC cadets join the US military.

  • One school Waltz cited in his letter to Austin rejected his claim that it was part of a CCP influence initiative as “patently false”.

  • It is unclear how many such private schools there are in the US.

  • Florida Preparatory Academy in Melbourne is owned by a California-based investment company, Newopen USA, but its parent company Newopen Group is based in Chongqing, China.

  • US Representative Michael Waltz claims that the chairman of Newopen Group, Zhou Dengguang, met with the head of a CCP-sponsored Chinese Entrepreneurs Association in 2021 to discuss “national strategic development layout and greater resource cooperation”.

  • Marshall Willman, the President of Florida Preparatory Academy, denied that the education at the school has been influenced by the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Willman did not address whether the meeting between Zhou Dengguang and the head of the CCP-sponsored Chinese Entrepreneurs Association took place.

  • Willman emphasised that the JROTC programme at the school is run by two US Air Force veterans “with over 46 combined years of experience serving our nation”.

  • Waltz did not provide any evidence to support his claims.

  • Florida Preparatory Academy is owned by a California-based investment company, Newopen USA, which has a parent company in Chongqing, China.

  • US Representative Michael Waltz claims that the chairman of Newopen Group, Zhou Dengguang, met with the head of a CCP-sponsored Chinese Entrepreneurs Association in 2021.

  • Marshall Willman, President of Florida Preparatory Academy, denied that the education at the school has been influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, and emphasised that the JROTC programme is run by two US Air Force veterans.

  • The staff and students of the New York Military Academy have been facing “hate speech” since Waltz’s letter became public - potentially putting them in danger.

  • The Academy is located less than six miles from the US Military Academy at West Point.

  • In 2015, the Academy was bought by a Chinese-owned non-profit group called Research Center on Natural Conservation. Vincent Tianquan Mo, the founder of Beijing-based Fang Holdings, is listed as the school’s secretary and treasurer on the academy’s website.

  • US Congressman Michael Waltz has raised questions with the Pentagon about the ownership of private US primary and secondary schools offering federal-funded military training that are owned by Chinese companies.

  • Waltz has asked the Pentagon to review all Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) programmes at private schools and determine whether those schools are owned by foreign companies. One of the schools, Florida Preparatory Academy, rejected Waltz’s claims that it was part of a CCP influence initiative.

  • Waltz also cited the New York Military Academy, which is located near West Point and owned by a Chinese-owned non-profit group, as another example. The school does not operate a JROTC programme, but Waltz’s office said it had one before it was suspended in 2019.

  • Numerous Chinese professors have been accused of espionage and hiding their links to China, with some cases leading to convictions and some dismissed by US courts.

  • Congressional Republicans have raised alarms regarding the CCP’s influence on primary and secondary school education through “Confucius Classrooms” in an estimated 500 schools across the US.

  • Representative Mike Gallagher has announced the House select committee on China, which will “fight back” against the CCP’s “malign influence” wherever it affects American interests and national security.

  • Waltz favours expanding the scope of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to include non-technology issues like farmland and private schools.

  • These acquisitions could be a part of the CCP’s belt and road infrastructure and global influence initiative in the American education sector.

  • The CCP’s influence could lead to shaping school curriculum and activities, potentially developing future military leaders.

  • It is therefore necessary to strengthen the scope of CFIUS to ensure that American interests and national security are not threatened by foreign investments.

链接:Review of Chinese-owned US private schools and military academies sought by American lawmaker | South China Morning Post
