谁去打捞?美国MQ-9无人机与俄罗斯战斗机黑海上空接触后迫降沉海(更新)|华尔街日报 & 美国欧洲司令部

  • 五角大楼报告说,一架俄罗斯飞机在黑海上空袭击了一架美国间谍无人机,并将其击落在空中。

  • 这是自一年多前乌克兰战争开始以来两国部队之间的首次直接军事对抗之一。

  • 美国向基辅提供了军事援助和情报,但希望避免与俄罗斯发生冲突。

  • 事件发生时,两架俄罗斯苏-27喷气式战斗机和美国MQ-9监视无人机在彼此附近飞行了约30分钟。

  • 其中一架俄罗斯喷气式战斗机飞过无人机,向它倾倒燃料,然后拉走。

  • 第二架喷气机随后与无人机相撞,撞掉了无人机的一块,无人机被迫被引导到水中。

  • 美国还没有打捞出残骸,由于土耳其的禁止,美国无法向黑海派遣船只。

  • 五角大楼的一位官员将这一事件描述为俄罗斯飞行员的 "稚嫩 "但意外的举动。

  • 美国欧洲司令部表示,该事件除了不安全和不专业之外,还显示出缺乏能力。

  • 美国国务院召集俄罗斯大使阿纳托利-安东诺夫开会,转达对 "不安全、不专业的拦截 "的反对意见。

  • 国家安全顾问杰克-沙利文向拜登总统介绍了这一事件。

  • 俄罗斯认为无人机事件是一种挑衅,外交官之间的会晤被描述为建设性的。

  • 俄罗斯官员对美国军方的说法提出异议,称其战机没有发射武器。

  • 碰撞发生在克里米亚西南方向约50海里处。

  • 在与俄罗斯的战争开始后不久,土耳其就对军舰关闭了博斯普鲁斯的入口。

  • 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后不久,美国海军舰艇停止了在黑海的行动。

  • 俄罗斯仍然在黑海航行的军舰。

  • 由于现有的限制,收回无人机可能很困难。

  • MQ-9 "死神 "是一种用于情报、监视和侦察的先进无人机。它的航程为1200英里,可以飞到50,000英尺。一个由四架无人机组成的中队大约需要7800万美元。

  • 美国一直在黑海使用无人机,但这是第一次有无人机在该地区被击落。在乌克兰,莫斯科正试图占领巴赫穆特城,而基辅正准备反击。巴赫穆特卡河是俄罗斯军队和乌克兰军队之间的界限。

  • 据报道,俄罗斯已经占领了巴赫穆特的一个金属厂的一部分。俄罗斯军事博客说,俄罗斯士兵已经开始攻打该工厂。

  • The Pentagon reported that a Russian jet struck a U.S. spy drone over the Black Sea and knocked it out of the sky.

  • This is one of the first direct military confrontations between the two nations’ forces since the war in Ukraine began more than a year ago.

  • The U.S. has provided military aid and intelligence to Kyiv, but wants to avoid conflict with Russia.

  • The incident occurred when two Russian Su-27 jet fighters and the U.S. MQ-9 surveillance drone flew near each other for about 30 minutes.

  • One of the Russian jet fighters flew past the drone, dumped fuel on it, and pulled away.

  • The second jet then collided with the drone, knocking off a piece of it that was guided down to the water.

  • The U.S. hasn’t recovered the wreckage and is unable to send ships to the Black Sea due to Turkish prohibition.

  • A Pentagon official described the incident as a “juvenile” but accidental move by the Russian pilots.

  • The U.S. European Command stated that the incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.

  • The US State Department summoned Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov for a meeting to relay objections to an “unsafe, unprofessional intercept”.

  • National-security adviser Jake Sullivan briefed President Biden on the incident.

  • Russia considered the drone incident a provocation and the meeting between the diplomats was described as constructive.

  • Russian officials disputed the US military’s account, saying its jets didn’t fire their weapons.

  • The collision occurred roughly 50 nautical miles southwest of Crimea.

  • Turkey closed its Bosporus entrance to warships shortly after the war with Russia began.

  • US naval ships stopped operating in the Black Sea shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine.

  • Russia still sails warships in the Black Sea.

  • Recovering the drone could be difficult due to the restrictions in place.

  • The MQ-9 Reaper is an advanced drone used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It has a range of 1,200 miles and can fly up to 50,000 feet. A squadron of four drones costs around $78 million.

  • The U.S. has been using drones in the Black Sea, but this is the first time one has been downed in the area. In Ukraine, Moscow is attempting to capture the city of Bakhmut, while Kyiv is preparing for a counteroffensive. The Bakhmutka River is the line between Russian forces and Ukrainian forces.

  • Russia has reportedly taken part of a metalworks plant in Bakhmut. Russian military bloggers have said that Russian soldiers have begun storming the plant.

  • 两架俄罗斯苏-27飞机在黑海上空的国际空域对美国空军的一架情报、监视和侦察无人机MQ-9进行了不安全和不专业的拦截。

  • 苏-27飞机不顾一切地在MQ-9飞机前面倾倒燃料并飞行,导致碰撞,使美军在国际水域将MQ-9飞机击落。

  • 美国空军将军詹姆斯-B-赫克尔表示,这一事件是不安全和不专业的,几乎导致两架飞机坠毁。

  • 美国和盟国的飞机继续在国际空域运行,并敦促俄罗斯人以专业和安全的方式行事。

  • 这一事件遵循了俄罗斯飞行员在国际空域与美国和盟国飞机互动时的危险行动模式。

  • 俄罗斯机组人员的这些攻击性行动是危险的,可能导致误判和意外的升级。

  • 美国驻欧洲空军–非洲空军的飞机在整个欧洲的主权领土和国际空域飞行,与适用的法律相协调,以加强欧洲的集体防御和安全。

  • Two Russian Su-27 aircraft conducted an unsafe and unprofessional intercept with a U.S. Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance unmanned MQ-9 aircraft in international airspace over the Black Sea.

  • The Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 recklessly, resulting in a collision that caused U.S. forces to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters.

  • U.S. Air Force Gen. James B. Hecker stated that the incident was unsafe and unprofessional, and nearly caused both aircraft to crash.

  • U.S. and Allied aircraft continue to operate in international airspace, and the Russians are urged to conduct themselves professionally and safely.

  • The incident follows a pattern of dangerous actions by Russian pilots when interacting with U.S. and Allied aircraft over international airspace.

  • These aggressive actions by Russian aircrew are dangerous and could lead to miscalculation and unintended escalation.

  • U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa fly aircraft throughout Europe over sovereign territory and international airspace in coordination with applicable laws, in order to bolster collective European defense and security.

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US says military drone crashes into Black Sea after Russian intercept