南非下月与中国、俄罗斯演习 :是政治象征而非军事利益 I 南华早报

  • 南非将在下个月与中国和俄罗斯在其沿海地区举行海军演习,目的是分享作战技能和知识。

  • 分析人士说,中国从这次演习中在非洲获得的政治善意将超过任何军事利益。

  • 这次演习引起了反对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的国家的批评,南非拒绝谴责俄罗斯的入侵行为。

  • 北京远望军事科技智库的研究员周晨明说,三国演习是中国在经历了三年的大流行病控制限制后恢复军事外交的又一标志。

  • 根据五角大楼的《2020年中国军力报告》,中国人民解放军拥有世界上最大的海军,总体战斗力约为350艘水面舰艇和潜水艇。

  • 兰德公司的高级国际防务研究员蒂莫西-希斯说,联合演习的主要收获将是政治象征意义,而不是任何实际的军事成就。

  • 希斯说,中国将获得 “在南非精英和一些非洲观众中的外交地位和政治善意,因为它愿意与南非决定与俄罗斯进行演习站在一起”。

  • 一带一路 "倡议是一项以中国为中心的庞大的全球贸易增长战略,涉及数十个国家和超过1万亿美元的投资。

  • 中国与南非有着友好的关系,习近平主席于11月在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的G20峰会期间会见了南非总统西里尔-拉马福萨。

  • South Africa will host a naval drill with China and Russia off its coast next month, with the aim of sharing operational skills and knowledge.

  • Analysts say the political goodwill China will gain in Africa from the drill will outweigh any military benefits.

  • The drill has attracted criticism from countries opposed to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which South Africa has refused to condemn.

  • Zhou Chenming, a researcher from the Yuan Wang military science and technology think tank in Beijing, said the trilateral drill was another sign of the resumption of China’s military diplomacy after three years of pandemic-control restrictions.

  • According to the Pentagon’s 2020 China Military Power Report, the People’s Liberation Army has the biggest navy in the world with an overall battle force of about 350 surface ships and submarines.

  • Timothy Heath, a senior international defence researcher at Rand Corporation, said the main takeaway from the joint exercise would be political symbolism rather than any actual military achievements.

  • Heath said China would gain “diplomatic standing and political goodwill among South African elites and some African audiences for its willingness to stand alongside South Africa’s decision to carry out an exercise with Russia”.

  • The Belt and Road Initiative is a vast China-centred strategy to grow global trade that involves dozens of countries and more than US$1 trillion in investment.

  • China has a cordial relationship with South Africa, and President Xi Jinping met South African President Cyril Ramaphosa in Bali, Indonesia, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in November.

链接:China’s naval drill with South Africa and Russia ‘more about political symbolism than military benefits’ | South China Morning Post