中国在向低价环境增加铜进口趋势 I 路透社

  • 中国去年的精炼铜净进口总量为364万吨,比2021年增加了近30万吨,是继2020年创纪录的一年之后的第二高的统计数字。

  • 同时,矿精的进口量达到了2532万吨,创下了新的年度记录,而废铜的进口量是2018年以来的最高值。

  • 鉴于私营企业迈科集团的财务问题,去年的进口力度更令人惊讶,该集团在2022年夏天突然停止了所有铜的采购,因为它没有现金支付给供应商。

  • 这造成了供应短缺的连锁反应,并提高了上海地区和广东省用户的溢价,迈科在这些地区的地位尤为突出。

  • 然而,这显然对进入中国的精炼铜的总体流量影响很小。

  • 由于金属从西方市场转移,中国去年的原铝进口量猛增了59%。但2022年中国对俄罗斯铜的进口实际上下降了20%,至32.4万吨。

  • 去年精炼金属的进口热潮反映在原材料市场上,铜精矿的流入量创下新高,可回收铜的进口量增加了5%。

  • 2021年推出的更严格的纯度门槛,意味着去年177万吨的废钢进口中,铜的含量比历史上的标准要高很多。

  • 随着更多的铜通过各种渠道流入中国,中国应该有大量的铜。

  • 但事实似乎并非如此。

  • 中国的可见铜库存目前正呈急剧上升的趋势,就像它们在农历新年假期期间所做的一样。

  • 密切关注的中国现货进口欲望指标–洋山溢价已跌至九个月低点。

  • 但今年的库存重建是在非常低的水平上进行的。

  • 对于所有缺失的铜,一个可能的解释是,在滚动锁定的一年里,中国的需求比预期的要好得多。

  • 此外,中国由政府主导的可再生能源基础设施建设,有可能以更多电线、太阳能电池板、风电场和电动汽车的形式产生了针对铜的刺激。

  • 高盛预计,今年所谓的 "绿色需求 "将占到中国总需求增长的68%,抵消了房地产行业的持续疲软。

  • 另一种可能性是,中国一直在向低价环境补货,利用2020年和2022年下半年的低铜价。

  • 还有一种可能是,中国的国家库存管理者一直在补货。

  • 最后,有可能是进口铜被用于战略储备,或被运往其他国家,如香港。

  • China’s net imports of refined copper totalled 3.64 million tonnes last year, an increase of almost 300,000 tonnes on 2021 and the second highest tally after the record-breaking year of 2020.

  • Imports of mined concentrates, meanwhile, notched up a new annual record of 25.32 million tonnes and those of copper scrap were the highest since 2018.

  • The strength of last year’s imports was even more surprising given the financial problems at privately-owned Maike Group, which abruptly halted all its copper purchases in the summer of 2022 after it ran out of cash to pay suppliers.

  • This has created a ripple effect of supply shortages and higher premiums for users in the Shanghai area and Guangdong province, where Maike was a particularly powerful player.

  • However, it has clearly had minimal impact on the overall flow of refined copper into China.

  • China’s imports of primary aluminium leapt by 59% last year as metal was redirected from Western markets. But China’s imports of Russian copper actually fell by 20% to 324,000 tonnes in 2022.

  • Last year’s refined metal import boom was mirrored in the raw materials markets, with record inflows of copper concentrate and a 5% increase in imports of recyclable copper.

  • Tighter purity thresholds introduced in 2021 mean that last year’s 1.77 million tonnes of scrap imports contained a lot more copper than the historical norm.

  • With more copper flowing across all channels into China, the country should be awash with the stuff.

  • Yet it doesn’t seem to be.

  • China’s visible copper inventories are currently trending sharply higher as they always do over the Lunar New Year holiday season.

  • The Yangshan premium, a closely-watched indicator of China’s spot import appetite, has plunged to a nine-month low.

  • But this year’s stocks rebuild is taking place from very low levels.

  • One possible explanation for all the missing copper is that China’s demand held up much better than expected during a year of rolling lockdowns.

  • Additionally, it is possible that China’s government-led drive towards renewable power infrastructure is generating a copper-specific stimulus in the form of more power lines, solar panels, wind farms and electric vehicles.

  • Goldman Sachs expects so-called “green demand” to account for 68% of total demand growth in China this year, offsetting continued weakness in the property sector.

  • Another possibility is that China has been restocking into a low price environment, taking advantage of the low copper prices in 2020 and in the second half of 2022.

  • There is also the possibility that China’s national stockpile managers have been restocking.

  • Finally, it is possible that the copper imports are being used for strategic stockpiling, or being shipped to other countries, such as Hong Kong.

链接:Column: While Dr Copper waits for China, China buys more copper | Reuters