印度国会抨击中央政府向议员发放 "中国组装 "的平板电脑 I 印度报

  • 印度中央政府向议员们分发 "在中国组装 "的平板电脑,用于阅读电子预算案

  • 国会反对派以政府禁止中国应用程序和中国制造的鞭炮为由,批评了此举。

  • 反对党领袖在大会上退回了平板电脑,理由是数据安全问题和它的来源是中国。

  • 议会事务部长和交通部长为分发工作辩护,声称这些平板电脑是苹果公司的,只在中国组装。

  • 国会主席卡玛尔-纳特(Kamal Nath)由于平板电脑在议会中的非传统用途而退回,而不是因为它来自中国。

  • Madhya Pradesh BJP government distributed tablets “assembled in China” to MLAs for reading the e-budget

  • The Congress opposition criticized the move, citing the ban on Chinese apps and Chinese-made firecrackers by the government

  • The leader of the opposition returned the tablet in the Assembly, citing data security concerns and its origin in China

  • The Assembly Affairs Minister and Transport Minister defended the distribution, claiming the tablets were of Apple and were only assembled in China

  • Kamal Nath, state Congress chief, returned the tablet due to its non-traditional use in the Assembly and not because of its origin in China.

链接:Congress slams Madhya Pradesh Govt for distributing ‘assembled in China’ tablets to MLAs - The Hindu