特鲁多:加拿大必须小心中国的选举干扰 I 路透社

  • 加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多警告说,在有报道称中国试图影响加拿大上次选举之后,外国干涉选举的危险性,并说该国应该对其加以警惕。

  • 环球邮报》报道说,中国外交官及其代理人努力击败被认为对北京更有敌意的保守党政治家,而且中国赞成特鲁多连任。

  • 特鲁多称这份报告是一个 “异常严重的问题”,并说这是中国和俄罗斯等国家的系统性干预企图,他说这些国家想要破坏民主国家的稳定。

  • 加拿大已经直接向中国国家主席习近平提出对北京涉嫌干预2019年选举的 “严重关切”。

  • 自2018年华为高管孟晚舟被拘留以及北京随后以间谍罪逮捕两名加拿大人以来,中国和加拿大之间的关系一直很紧张。

  • 最近,在北美空域上空击落一个疑似中国间谍气球以及《环球报》关于中国试图影响上届加拿大选举的报道之后,紧张局势有所加剧。

  • 渥太华证实,在秋季的北极地区发现中国的浮动装置后,中国的其他空中和海上监视企图被加拿大军队挫败了。

  • 中国最高外交官王毅指责美国在击落间谍气球的问题上采取了违反国际规范的 "荒谬 "行为。中国驻渥太华大使馆没有对评论请求作出回应。

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned of the danger of foreign interference in elections and said the country should be on guard against it, following reports that China tried to influence Canada’s last election.

  • The Globe and Mail newspaper reported that Chinese diplomats and their proxies worked to defeat Conservative politicians considered more hostile to Beijing, and that China favored a Trudeau re-election.

  • Trudeau called the report an “extraordinarily serious issue” and said it was a systematic attempt at interference by countries such as China and Russia, who he said want to destabilize democracies.

  • Canada has already raised “serious concerns” directly with Chinese President Xi Jinping over Beijing’s suspected meddling in the 2019 election.

  • The relationship between China and Canada has been strained since the 2018 detention of Huawei’s executive Meng Wanzhou and Beijing’s subsequent arrest of two Canadians on spying charges.

  • Tensions have risen recently, following the shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon over North American airspace and the Globe’s report about China’s attempts to influence the last Canadian election.

  • Ottawa confirmed that other air and maritime surveillance attempts by China were thwarted by the Canadian military, after Chinese floating devices were found in the Arctic in autumn.

  • China’s top diplomat Wang Yi accused the US of an “absurd” act that had violated international norms in relation to the shooting down of the spy balloon. The Chinese embassy in Ottawa did not respond to a request for comment.

链接:Canada must be on guard against Chinese election interference, Trudeau says | Reuters