间谍气球在夏威夷附近和中国上空 I 福布斯

  • 高空气球最近一直是头条新闻,全球范围内有多起目击事件的报道。

  • 在北美,四个神秘的无人驾驶的气球被击落,而目击事件也变得更加普遍。

  • 有报道称,中国山东省上空可能出现不明飞行物,河北省上空出现不明气球,这促使航班延误并从石家庄正定国际机场改道。

  • 美国军方的印度洋-太平洋司令部正在调查在夏威夷东北部的太平洋上空看到的一个物体,并建议飞行员报告任何新的发现。

  • 这些气球的来源仍然不明,但中国指称美国在其领土上空放飞气球,而美国的盟友台湾也指称中国也是如此。

  • 最近的目击事件背后的原因尚不清楚,也没有确认是否有喷气式飞机在太平洋上空的最近一次目击事件中进行了调查。

  • 文章最后幽默地提到了20世纪80年代流行的德国流行歌曲 “99Luftballons”,这可能表明未来可能会有更多的人看到这些气球。

  • High-altitude balloons have been making headlines recently with multiple sightings being reported globally.

  • In North America, four mysterious and uncrewed balloons were shot down, and sightings have become more widespread.

  • There have been reports of a possible unidentified flying object over Shandong province in China, and an unidentified balloon over Hebei Province, which prompted flight delays and rerouting from Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport.

  • The US military’s Indo-Pacific Command is looking into a sighting of an object over the Pacific Ocean northeast of Hawaii, with pilots being advised to report any new sightings.

  • The source of these balloons remains unknown, but China alleges that the US has flown balloons over its territory, while the US ally, Taiwan, alleges the same of China.

  • The reason behind the recent sightings is unclear, and there is no confirmation on whether a jet was scrambled to investigate the most recent sighting over the Pacific Ocean.

  • The article concludes with a humorous reference to the popular 1980s German pop hit “99 Luftballons,” which may suggest that there could be more sightings of these balloons in the future.

链接:Balloon Sightings Continue... Now Near Hawaii And Over China