中美外交会谈因军用气球收阻碍 I 南华早报

  • 美国和中国最高特使之间的会议改期受到阻碍,因为美国称中国对美国的一项监视计划进行了 “造谣”。

  • 美国官员向 "几十个 "国家提供了有关被五角大楼击落的中国气球的细节,他们声称该气球是全球监视计划的一部分,并断言中国侵犯了几十个国家的主权。

  • 美国官员拒绝接受中国政府的解释,即该气球主要用于气象监测。

  • 据美国立法者称,在南卡罗来纳州海岸打捞中国气球的碎片,产生了宝贵的信息。

  • 美国官员正在与 "印度洋-太平洋地区的一些国家 "分享他们所知道的关于中国气球的信息。

  • 美国国务院发言人内德-普莱斯不愿透露美国官员正在与之分享有关中国气球信息的任何国家。

  • 北京称,自去年以来,美国未经许可将高空气球驶过中国领空超过10次,但美国否认使用错误信息或虚假信息。

  • 关于中国气球的双边争论和相互矛盾的解释加剧了美中之间的紧张关系,而此时美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯正准备对北京进行访问,旨在缓解摩擦。

  • The rescheduling of a meeting between the US and Chinese top envoys has been impeded by what the US calls China’s “disinformation” about a US surveillance program.

  • US officials have provided details to “dozens” of countries about a Chinese balloon that was shot down by the Pentagon, which they claim was part of a global surveillance program, and assert that China violated the sovereignty of dozens of countries.

  • American officials reject Beijing’s explanation that the balloon was mainly for meteorological monitoring.

  • The recovery of debris from the Chinese balloon off the coast of South Carolina has produced valuable information, according to US lawmakers.

  • US officials are sharing what they know about China’s balloons with “a number of countries in the Indo-Pacific region”.

  • US State Department spokesman Ned Price would not name any of the countries with whom US officials are sharing information about China’s balloons.

  • Beijing claims that the US has sailed high-altitude balloons across Chinese airspace without permission more than 10 times since last year, but the US denies using misinformation or disinformation.

  • The bilateral row over the Chinese balloon and contradictory explanations has aggravated tensions between the US and China, just as Secretary of State Antony Blinken was preparing for a trip to Beijing aimed at easing friction.

链接:China ‘disinformation’ alleging US spy scheme impedes top-level diplomatic talks: State Department | South China Morning Post