福特与中国伙伴合作,在密歇根州建立电池厂 I 路透社

  • 福特认为,在美国制造电池将有助于吸引美国客户,并减少依赖中国技术合作伙伴的政治风险。
  • 在密歇根州建造LFP电池也使福特有机会获得美国的电池制造补贴,这可以帮助它实现到2026年电动车业务利润率达到8%的目标。
  • 福特公司研究了马赫-E和闪电车主的驾驶习惯,发现一半的马赫-E车每天行驶32英里或更少。
  • 中美之间的外交紧张局势和《减少通货膨胀法》影响了福特将其电池厂设在密歇根州的决定。
  • 密歇根州为赢得该项目批准了超过10亿美元的激励措施,而且福特公司已经同意,如果大多数工人签署了卡片,就在该工厂承认汽车工人联合会。
  • 马歇尔工厂计划推出35千兆瓦时的产能,并将于2026年开始生产。
  • CATL将向福特授权技术,并提供技术援助。
  • 福特公司的目标是在2023年底前每年制造60万辆电动汽车,并且还同意与韩国电池制造商SK Innovation组建合资企业,在田纳西州和肯塔基州建立电动汽车电池工厂。
  • 汽车制造商和电动汽车电池生产商正争先恐后地在美国建立生产基地,以利用联邦补贴。
  • Ford believes that building the batteries in the US will help attract US customers and reduce the political risk of relying on a Chinese technology partner.
  • Building LFP batteries in Michigan also gives Ford a shot at US battery manufacturing subsidies that could help it hit a goal of 8% profit margins on its EV operations by 2026.
  • Ford has studied the driving habits of Mach-E and Lightning owners and found that half of Mach-Es are driven 32 miles or fewer a day.
  • Diplomatic tensions between the US and China and the Inflation Reduction Act have influenced Ford’s decision to locate its battery plant in Michigan.
  • Michigan approved over $1 billion in incentives to win the project, and Ford has agreed to recognize the United Auto Workers at the plant if a majority of workers sign cards.
  • The Marshall plant is scheduled to launch with 35 gigawatt-hours of capacity and production is set to start in 2026.
  • CATL will license technology to Ford and provide technical assistance.
  • Ford has a goal of building 600,000 EVs a year by the end of 2023 and has also agreed to form a joint venture with South Korean battery maker SK Innovation to build EV battery factories in Tennessee and Kentucky.
  • Automakers and EV battery producers are racing to set up manufacturing in the US to take advantage of federal subsidies.

链接:Ford to build battery plant in Michigan in drive with Chinese tech partner | Reuters

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