白宫否認:美国军用气球沒有飞中国 I 路透社

  • 中国外交部发言人汪文斌指责美国自2022年初以来未经许可在中国领空飞行了10多次高空气球。

  • 美国迅速否认了这一指责,并将其视为北京试图控制损失。

  • 国家安全委员会女发言人阿德里安-沃森在一份声明中说,美国政府没有在中国上空运营监视气球,是中国有一个与人民解放军有关的情报收集的高空监视气球计划。

  • 在美国于2月4日在南卡罗来纳州海岸击落一个中国侦察气球后,中国指责美国反应过激。中国说,该气球是一个民用研究飞船,错误地吹偏了方向。

  • 美国国防部没有对评论请求作出回应。

  • 印度-太平洋海洋安全专家格雷戈里-波林(Gregory Poling)说,他不知道美国有使用气球进行监视的情况,但他补充说,他怀疑他们都不会知道。

  • China’s foreign ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, accused the U.S. of flying high-altitude balloons over Chinese airspace without permission more than 10 times since the beginning of 2022.

  • The U.S. swiftly denied the accusation and dismissed it as an attempt at damage control by Beijing.

  • National Security Council spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson, said in a statement that the U.S. government does not operate surveillance balloons over China and that it is China that has a high altitude surveillance balloon program for intelligence collection connected to the People’s Liberation Army.

  • China accused the U.S. of overreacting after the U.S. shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina on February 4. China said the balloon was a civilian research craft that had mistakenly blown off course.

  • The U.S. defense department did not respond to a request for comment.

  • Gregory Poling, an Indo-Pacific maritime security expert, said he was not aware of any U.S. use of balloons for surveillance, but added that he suspected none of them would know for sure.

链接:White House rejects Beijing claims of U.S. balloons over China | Reuters