间谍气球重燃美国科技制裁,中国重开的戏码被 "过度炒作“ I 南华早报

  • 中国股市在2023年的前几周表现最好,但在过去两周,基准指数遭遇下跌,成为全球最大的一些输家。
  • 这次回调反映了投资者和分析师心中的疑虑,他们质疑中国重新开放的赌注是否持久。
  • 高盛表示,其在岸客户对中国经济反弹的力度缺乏信心,而地缘政治问题在其营销之旅的谈话中占主导地位。
  • 一些人认为中国经济重启的交易被过度炒作,问题是有多少已经被定价了。
  • 过去两周,全球基金经理对人民币计价股票的净买入放缓至54亿美元。中国大陆投资者从香港上市的股票中拿走了21亿美元。
  • 恒生指数、沪深300指数、恒生中国企业指数和MSCI中国指数在过去两周都出现下滑。
  • 今年黯淡的经济现实和最近的 "间谍气球 "事件验证了大陆投资者的担忧。
  • 中国经济仍未全面启动,工业活动可能会令人失望,家庭贷款仍然低迷。
  • 市场的前景将取决于中国经济复苏的力度和可持续性。
  • 尽管最近出现了一些小插曲,但中国股票的牛市似乎超过了熊市,高盛、摩根士丹利和摩根大通等投资银行建议买入跌停板。
  • China’s stocks were the best performers in the first weeks of 2023, but the past two weeks saw the benchmark indices suffer a decline to become some of the biggest losers globally.
  • The pullback reflects doubts in the minds of investors and analysts who are questioning the durability of the China reopening bets.
  • Goldman Sachs said its onshore clients lack conviction about the strength of China’s economic rebound, while geopolitical issues dominated conversations on its marketing trip.
  • The China reopening trade is being viewed as overhyped by some, with the issue being how much is already priced in.
  • Global fund managers’ net buying of yuan-denominated stocks slowed to $5.4 billion over the past two weeks. Mainland Chinese investors took $2.1 billion off Hong Kong-listed stocks.
  • The Hang Seng, CSI 300, Hang Seng China Enterprises, and MSCI China indexes all slipped over the past two weeks.
  • The bleak economic reality this year and the recent “spy balloon” incident validated concerns among mainland investors.
  • China’s economy is still not firing on all cylinders, with industrial activity likely to disappoint and household loans remaining sluggish.
  • The outlook for the market will depend on the strength and sustainability of China’s economic recovery.
  • Despite the recent hiccup, China stock bulls appear to outnumber the bears and investment banks such as Goldman, Morgan Stanley, and JPMorgan recommend buying the dips.

链接:China reopening play ‘overhyped’ as stock market losses inflict pain, ‘spy balloon’ rekindles US tech sanctions | South China Morning Post

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