提高中国数据安全危险可见度的法案遇到了民主党的投诉 I 华盛顿邮报

  • 三项旨在提高中国数据安全危险可见度的众议院法案通过了一个关键的立法障碍,现在正等待众议院能源和商业委员会全体成员的进一步审议。
  • 这些提案旨在:要求应用程序分销商和网站维护者披露存储在中国的数据。
  • 披露一个应用程序是否被禁止进入政府设备。
  • 披露一个应用程序是否由设在中国的人或中国共产党拥有。
  • 这些法案是由两党立法者共同起草的,希望能使来自中国的数据安全威胁更加透明。
  • 告诉所有人离开美国的数据位置法案(TELL法案)由众议员杰夫-邓肯(Jeff Duncan)提出,并由众议员斯科特-佩里(Scott Perry)和马西-卡普特(Marcy Kapt)共同提出。Scott Perry和Marcy Kaptur共同提出。
  • 一些民主党人对这些提案表示担忧,称其仓促且可能无效,但其他民主党人,如达伦-索托议员和凯特-坎马克议员,致力于澄清立法中的语言,并听取利益相关者的反馈。
  • 委员会主席凯西-麦克莫里斯-罗杰斯议员表示,这些法案只是立法者计划的一部分,是对她希望国会通过的联邦隐私法的补充。
  • Three House bills to increase visibility of Chinese data security dangers passed a key legislative hurdle and now await further consideration by the full House Energy and Commerce Committee.
  • The proposals aim to:
    • Require app distributors and website maintainers to disclose data stored in China.
    • Disclose whether an app is banned from government devices.
    • Disclose whether an app is owned by someone based in China or is the Chinese Communist Party.
  • The bills were authored by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, with the hope of making data security threats from China more transparent.
  • The Telling Everyone the Location of Data Leaving the U.S. Act (TELL Act) was authored by Rep. Jeff Duncan and co-sponsored by Reps. Scott Perry and Marcy Kaptur.
  • Some Democrats expressed concern over the proposals, calling them rushed and potentially ineffective, but other Democrats, like Rep. Darren Soto and Rep. Kat Cammack, are committed to clarifying language in the legislation and taking feedback from stakeholders.
  • Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the committee chair, indicated that these bills were only a part of the lawmakers’ plans and were complementary to a federal privacy law she wants Congress to pass.

链接:Bills to expose privacy threats from China clear first hurdle, meet with Democratic complaints - Washington Times