在供应链脱钩的情况下,台湾告诉初创企业避开中国大陆,转而去日本发展 I 南华早报

  • 由于与美国和中国的关系日益紧张,台湾正在推动小公司在日本而不是中国大陆扩张。

  • 政府正在鼓励初创企业进入日本消费市场或与日本公司合作。

  • 政府也不允许机构将初创企业引向中国大陆,尽管自20世纪80年代以来,中国大陆一直是台湾资本的主要离岸登陆点。

  • 台湾向日本的转变遵循了西方国家将供应链从中国多样化的趋势。

  • 2022年,台湾批准的对日投资达到17亿美元,高于2021年的7.2874亿美元和2020年的9.6437亿美元。

  • 日本对台湾公司来说是有意义的,因为日本的人口比台湾多,而且缺乏美国那样的市场复杂性。

  • 三家日本银行已经向台湾的初创企业提供了资金,以及接触他们的客户。

  • 日本公司拥有原材料、零部件和销售分销网络,可以帮助台湾的合作伙伴。

  • 台湾政府资助的创业生态系统建设者–台湾创业体育馆,将年轻的台湾公司与外国加速器、会议、科技公司和合作伙伴联系起来,以帮助他们拓展海外市场。

  • 许多台湾公司的创始人希望在国际上发展,但缺乏对海外市场的了解。

  • 台湾的小公司对美国很感兴趣,但许多人担心美国自己的创业公司已经饱和,并发现种族多样性对把握市场是个挑战。

  • 台湾的国家发展基金在2021年向大和台湾日本生物风险投资有限合伙II基金投资3790万美元,向大和台湾日本生物技术基金投资7450万美元。

  • 台湾政府机构不能资助公司在中国大陆的投资,也不能采取行动使其在大陆的业务顺利进行。

  • 一些公司,如反诈骗智能手机应用程序开发商Gogolook,已经在日本设立了子公司,并与日本合作伙伴合作打击欺诈。

  • 日本取消了对移民的大流行控制,使许多台湾人对在日本工作感兴趣。

  • Taiwan is promoting small companies to expand in Japan instead of mainland China due to increasing tensions with the US and China.

  • The government is encouraging startups to enter the Japanese consumer market or partner with Japanese companies.

  • The government also does not allow agencies to steer startups towards mainland China, even though it has been a major offshore landing spot for Taiwanese capital since the 1980s.

  • Taiwan’s shift towards Japan follows the trend of diversifying supply chains away from China in the West.

  • Investments in Japan approved by Taiwan reached $1.7 billion in 2022, up from $728.74 million in 2021 and $964.37 million in 2020.

  • Japan makes sense for Taiwanese companies as the Japanese population is larger than Taiwan’s and lacks the market complexity of the US.

  • Three Japanese banks have offered funding to Taiwanese startups as well as access to their clients.

  • Japanese firms have raw materials, components, and sales-distribution networks that can help Taiwanese partners.

  • Taiwan’s government-funded start-up ecosystem builder, Taiwan Startup Stadium, links young Taiwanese firms with foreign accelerators, conferences, tech firms, and partners to help them expand overseas.

  • Many Taiwanese company founders hope to grow internationally but lack the knowledge of overseas markets.

  • Small Taiwanese firms are interested in the US, but many worry it is saturated with its own startups and find the racial diversity a challenge to grasp the market.

  • Taiwan’s National Development Fund invested $37.9 million in the Daiwa Taiwan Japan BioVenture Investment Limited Partnership II fund and $74.5 million in the Daiwa Taiwan-Japan Biotech Fund in 2021.

  • Taiwanese government bodies cannot fund company investments in mainland China nor act to smooth their business in the mainland.

  • Some companies, like Gogolook, an anti-scam smartphone app developer, have set up subsidiaries in Japan and are working with Japanese partners to fight fraud.

  • Japanese lifting of pandemic controls on immigration has made many Taiwanese interested in working in Japan.

链接:Taiwan tells start-ups to shun mainland China and go to Japan instead, amid supply-chain decoupling | South China Morning Post