中国游客上路:从韩国的限制到泰国的敞开怀抱,各国是如何应对的 I 南华早报

  • 中国结束了其严格的 “清零政策”,不再要求入境旅客接受检疫。
  • 这使得中国境内以及农历新年假期期间进出中国的旅游人数急剧增加。
  • 对于一些依赖旅游业的国家来说,许多中国游客的进入将有助于它们的经济,而其他国家则由于对Covid-19的担忧而对来自中国的旅行者实施限制。
  • 一些专家认为,北京对Covid-19死亡的定义方式可能导致该国的疫情看起来没有实际情况那么严重。
  • 国家卫生委员会只将由肺炎和呼吸衰竭引起的死亡归为Covid-19引起的死亡。
  • 中国面临着对其Covid-19疫情严重程度不透明的批评,一些人担心少算了死亡人数。
  • 中国对这些说法进行了反驳,并表示其严重疾病和死亡的比率与其他国家相比要好一些。
  • China ended its strict “zero-Covid” policy by ending the requirement for incoming travelers to quarantine.
  • This allowed for a sharp increase in travel within China as well as in and out of the country over the Lunar New Year holiday.
  • For some countries that rely on tourism, the entry of many Chinese visitors will help their economies, while others have imposed restrictions on travelers from China due to Covid-19 concerns.
  • Some experts believe that Beijing’s way of defining a Covid-19 death could lead to the country’s outbreak appearing less serious than it really is.
  • The National Health Commission only classified deaths caused by pneumonia and respiratory failure as deaths caused by Covid-19.
  • China has faced criticism for not being transparent about the severity of its Covid-19 surge, with some concerns about undercounting of deaths.
  • China has pushed back against these claims and suggested that its rate of severe illness and death compares favorably with other nations.

链接:Chinese tourists hit the road: from South Korea’s restrictions to Thailand’s open arms, how countries are responding - YP | South China Morning Post