中国指责华盛顿滥用出口管制 I 美联社

  • 中国政府批评美国对技术出口的控制是一种贸易违规行为

  • 日本和荷兰同意与华盛顿一道,限制北京获得制造先进处理器芯片的材料

  • 华盛顿说,这些芯片可用于武器和促进共产党的监视和侵犯人权行为

  • 中国指责美国滥用出口管制和组织其他政府来维持其霸权并遏制中国

  • 外交部发言人表示,此举严重违反了市场原则和国际贸易秩序,破坏了全球产业链和供应链的稳定。

  • 中共已投资数十亿美元发展自己的芯片产业,但仍然需要外国的制造设备、原材料和技术

  • 中国生产商正在改进,但无法制造最先进的智能手机和其他产品所需的芯片

  • China’s government criticized US controls on technology exports as a trade violation

  • Japan and the Netherlands agreed to join Washington in limiting Beijing’s access to materials to make advanced processor chips

  • Washington says the chips can be used in weapons and to facilitate the Communist Party’s surveillance and human rights abuses

  • China accused the US of abusing export controls and organizing other governments to maintain its hegemony and contain China

  • A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the move seriously violates market principles and international trade order, and undermines the stability of global industrial and supply chains

  • The Communist Party has invested billions of dollars to develop its own chip industry, but still needs foreign manufacturing equipment, raw materials and technology

  • Chinese producers are improving but cannot make chips required for the most advanced smartphones and other products

链接:China accuses Washington of abusing export controls | AP News

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