加拿大延长对来自中国大陆和香港的旅客的COVID-19检查要求 I CBC 新闻

  • 加拿大联邦政府正在扩大对来自中国大陆、香港和澳门的大多数人的COVID-19检查要求。
  • 这些限制意味着任何从中国大陆、香港或澳门飞往加拿大的两岁以上的航空旅客必须有COVID-19分子或快速抗原检测结果为阴性的证明。
  • 这一规定甚至适用于那些只是在前往另一个国家的途中经过加拿大的旅行者。
  • 对于航班经中国、香港或澳门中转,且在该国停留时间少于24小时的旅行者,则予以豁免。
  • 继续采取健康措施的决定是加拿大公共卫生局(PHAC)采取的一种 “预防方法”。
  • 公共卫生署指出,中国提供的数据一直存在差距,并担心对加拿大已经负担沉重的卫生保健系统的影响。
  • 旅行要求将保持到4月5日,但将继续进行重新评估。
  • 离开中国、香港和澳门的航空旅客在进入加拿大时将必须提供COVID-19检测阴性的证据。
  • 此举引起了一些传染病专家的批评,并受到了中国外交部的批评。
  • The Canadian federal government is extending COVID-19 screening requirements for most people traveling from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao.
  • The restrictions mean any air traveler over the age of two who lands in Canada on a flight from China, Hong Kong, or Macao must have proof of a negative molecular or rapid-antigen COVID-19 test result.
  • The rule applies even to travelers who are only transiting through Canada on their way to another country.
  • Exemptions are made for travelers whose flights transfer through China, Hong Kong, or Macao and who are in the country for less than 24 hours.
  • The decision to continue the health measures is a “precautionary approach” taken by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
  • PHAC cited ongoing gaps in data availability from China and concerns about the impact on Canada’s already burdened health-care system.
  • The travel requirements will remain in place until April 5 but will continue to be reassessed.
  • Airline passengers leaving China, Hong Kong, and Macau will have to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test when entering Canada.
  • The move drew criticism from some infectious disease experts and was criticized by the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry.

链接:Canada extends COVID-19 screening requirements for travellers from China, Hong Kong | CBC News