中国与美国中产阶级人士对2023年的严峻形势计划不同,有人抛售房产,有人削减假期 I 南华早报

  • 文章讨论了2022年由冠状病毒和乌克兰战争引起的经济麻烦对中国和美国的中产阶级家庭的影响。

  • 在中国,来自深圳的30岁导演Emily Hong的工资已经下降了两次,正在努力支付抵押贷款。她已经卖掉了自己两套公寓中的一套,现在和父母住在一起。她预测,未来几年的财务状况将比2022年更糟糕。

  • 在美国,俄勒冈州格雷沙姆的加布-富兰克林和他的家人正面临着高额的汽油和食品杂货价格,他们计划削减圣诞开支和节日支出。加布是一名教师,有6万美元的年薪,拥有住房,并为他的孩子提供学费折扣。他并不害怕无法支付账单,但对股票市场感到担忧。

  • 分析家们认为,两国的中产阶级家庭在面对未来时存在差异。美国的中产阶级经历了多次经济衰退,他们的首要任务是保持自己的地位,而中国的中产阶级是一个新现象,一些人担心即将与贫困擦肩而过。美国中产阶级的比例从1971年的61%下降到2022年的50%,但家庭收入的中位数是有史以来最高的,接近65,000美元。在中国,习近平主席的共同繁荣目标旨在缩小国家的财富差距,扩大中产阶级。

  • 根据一项调查,只有29%的中国中产阶级家庭表示他们在2022年变得更富有,而一年前的比例是55%。艾米丽已经转而购买价格较低的商品,并优先考虑孩子的教育。

  • The article discusses the impact of the economic troubles in 2022, caused by the coronavirus and the war in Ukraine, on middle-class families in China and the United States.

  • In China, the 30-year-old director Emily Hong from Shenzhen has seen her salary fall twice and is struggling to make mortgage payments. She has sold one of her two flats and now lives with her parents. She predicts the financial situation in the next few years will be worse than 2022.

  • In the US, Gabe Franklin and his family in Gresham, Oregon, are facing high petrol and grocery prices, and they plan to cut Christmas expenses and holiday spending. Gabe is a teacher and has a $60,000 annual salary, home ownership and tuition discounts for his children. He is not afraid of being unable to pay bills but is concerned about the stock market.

  • Analysts see differences in how the middle-class families in both countries are facing the future. The US middle-class has survived multiple recessions, and its priority is to maintain its status, while the Chinese middle class is a new phenomenon, and some fear an upcoming brush with poverty. The share of the US middle class has dropped from 61% in 1971 to 50% in 2022, but the median household income was the highest ever, near $65,000. In China, President Xi Jinping’s common prosperity goal aims to reduce the country’s wealth gap and enlarge the middle class.

  • According to a survey, only 29% of Chinese middle-class families said they got richer in 2022, compared to 55% a year earlier. Emily has switched to buying less expensive goods and prioritizes her children’s education.

链接:Middle-class Chinese, Americans differ in plans for a tough 2023 as some dump property while others cut holidays | South China Morning Post

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