加拿大将审查中国是否干预其2021年选举 I Columbia Missourian

  • 加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多宣布任命一名特别调查员,以确定是否有必要对中国干预该国选举的指控进行公开调查。

  • 特鲁多还指示议会的国家安全委员会审查有关此事的机密信息。

  • 环球邮报》上个月的一份报告引用了身份不明的情报来源,声称中国曾努力在2021年的选举中击败保守党的政治家,并倾向于让特鲁多的自由党连任。

  • 虽然反对党一直呼吁进行全面的公开调查,但特鲁多拒绝了,而是将依靠独立特别报告员的建议。

  • 特别报告员的任务是向政府提供建议,说明是否有必要进行询问、调查或司法审查,以及工作的范围。

  • 虽然特鲁多表示,2019年和2021年的选举结果没有受到外国干涉的影响,但外国行为者的任何干涉企图都令人担忧。

  • 一个公务员小组最近的报告发现,有外国干预的企图,但没有影响到选举结果。

  • 特鲁多曾表示,中国政府与伊朗和俄罗斯一起,试图干预加拿大的民主、机构、企业、研究设施和公民的日常生活。

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the appointment of a special investigator to determine whether a public inquiry is necessary into allegations of Chinese interference in the country’s elections.

  • Trudeau has also instructed the national security committee of Parliament to review classified information on the matter.

  • A report last month by The Globe and Mail cited unidentified intelligence sources, claiming that China had worked to defeat Conservative politicians in the 2021 election and preferred Trudeau’s Liberals to be re-elected.

  • While opposition parties have been calling for a full public inquiry, Trudeau has declined and instead will rely on the recommendation of the independent special rapporteur.

  • The special rapporteur will be tasked with providing the government with a recommendation on whether an inquiry, investigation, or judicial review is necessary, and the scope of the work.

  • While Trudeau has said that the election outcomes in 2019 and 2021 were not impacted by foreign interference, any attempt at interference by a foreign actor is concerning.

  • A recent report by a panel of civil servants found that there were foreign attempts to interfere, but none impacted the election outcome.

  • Trudeau has stated that the Chinese government, along with Iran and Russia, has attempted to interfere in Canada’s democracy, institutions, businesses, research facilities, and citizens’ daily lives.

链接:Canada to examine if China interfered in its 2021 elections
